Hi, I am Maarten and I am a Graphic Designer who currently studies Communication and Multimedia Design (CMD) at the Hogeschool Utrecht (HU). I was born on March 11, 1996 in Vianen and lived my first eight years in Paris. 
I obtained my propedeuse certificate in Art History at Utrecht University in 2017, but I realised that the learning style at the university was too theoretical. That is why I started CMD at de HU. In addition to theory, this study is also practical. My interests within CMD are Concept, Graphic and UX/UI Design.
The sentence "Wie langzaam gaat, heeft alle tijd" (Those who go slow have all the time) is one I said as a 5 year old boy. It keeps following me during my life and I can say I own it. It is important to take the time for things and to make well-considered choices. 
Football, rowing, cycling
Design and art
Concept Design, Graphic Design and UX/UI Design
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